American Bucking Bull Question and Answers
Q: What does the average bull weigh?
A: The average bucking bull that competes with a rider weighs in at 1,700- 1,800 pounds. The bull very rarely weighs less than 1,200 pounds unless they are competing in the futurities with only a bucking dummy aboard.
Q: What is the lifespan of a bucking bull?
A: Bucking bulls often live well into their teens, which is considered geriatric for any bull. Though a bucking bull may often be in his prime as an athlete around age 5 or 6, many bulls buck past the age of 10, and when they retire from competition they are used as sires in bucking bull breeding programs.
Q: What makes a bull buck?
A: The success of bucking bull breeding programs around the world has proven that genetics is the most prevalent factor in determining a bull’s desire and ability to buck. One of the most common misconceptions about bull riding is that the flank strap is tied to the animal’s testicles; this is far from the truth. This is a soft rope that is loosely tied around the bull’s midsection in the flank area and slipped onto the bull when it enters the alley to the chute. The slack is taken out of it before the ride, but not tied too tight, and the strap is removed immediately after the ride. (Todd Dewey, Las Vegas Review Journal).
It has nothing to do with the genitals, as some uneducated detractors would attest. In fact, care is taken to ensure that the genitals are not involved, as that would adversely affect the performance of the bulls. The flank rope is more of an annoyance than anything else, and the bulls will kick their hind legs out at the height of their bucking action in an effort to dislodge it, resulting in a more uniform and less erratic performance.
Q: Where can I find more information?
A: Check out or call the office at 719-242-2747